

Top Ways Technology Is Improving Senior Care

Today’s seniors have a wonderful advantage over previous generations: the boom in technological advances that create fascinating new opportunities to enhance quality of life, safety, and socialization. At THE MEDICAL TEAM, we know firsthand the benefits of technology in a health care at home setting, and have outlined some of our top picks here. Smartphone

2018-09-10T21:10:29-04:00September 10th, 2018|Technology|

THE MEDICAL TEAM’s Post-Stroke Communication Tips

According to the CDC, as many as 795,000 people in the U.S. experience a stroke. It’s especially prevalent in older adults, and a third of those impacted by stroke also have one or more of the conditions or habits that put them more at risk: obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol, smoking, or diabetes. Recovering

2018-08-20T16:23:27-04:00August 20th, 2018|Heart Health, Senior Health|

Better Hospice Care: Understanding Informed Consent

How informed are you about informed consent? It’s important for all of us to know the criteria used to determine a person’s ability to make important health care choices, and how that ability can impact their quality of life. This is especially true for individuals receiving hospice care. Learn more here from THE MEDICAL TEAM.

2018-08-08T15:05:06-04:00August 8th, 2018|Hospice, Older Adult Issues|

Expert Tips for Managing Multiple Chronic Health Conditions

Many older adults today face a variety of chronic conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, COPD, Alzheimer’s disease – the list goes on and on. And for the majority of seniors, three or more concurrent health problems exist, making it challenging to effectively manage when factoring in multiple care providers, medications, and side effects.

2018-07-17T16:45:55-04:00July 16th, 2018|Senior Health|

Adapting to Life with Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration can come on all of a sudden, with little warning signs or symptoms noted until the disease has progressed. While there is not yet a cure for the nearly 11 million people it impacts in the U.S., it’s encouraging to know there are steps that can be taken to slow the progression

2018-07-09T15:01:23-04:00July 9th, 2018|Older Adult Issues|

Caring from a Distance: Home Care Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers

The world has become increasingly mobile, and it’s no longer the norm for extended families to remain together in the same communities. Career choices, preferred climates, and other factors often lead adult children to start new lives hundreds or even thousands of miles away from their childhood homes. Unfortunately, difficulties can arise as parents age

2018-06-28T10:39:53-04:00June 28th, 2018|Benefits of Home Care|
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