• Published On: January 1st, 2018|Categories: Older Adult Issues|

    Many of us feel a bit more sluggish during the shorter days of winter, and older adults are no exception. One possible cause is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which can mimic depression and other mental health conditions, but can also be effectively treated once accurately diagnosed. Symptoms of SAD can vary widely, and may include

  • Published On: December 20th, 2017|Categories: Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, Senior Activities|

    Although each person experiences Alzheimer’s disease uniquely, the disease typically progresses through three main stages, and each stage brings with it different challenges to address in order to provide the best level of care. Understanding these stages, and where a senior falls within the continuum, can help in delivering the most appropriate therapeutic approach. THE

  • Published On: December 8th, 2017|Categories: Benefits of Home Care|

    The holiday season truly feels like a wonderful time of the year for so many people, but for some older adults it can bring about feelings of wistfulness and loneliness. Loss of loved ones, physical challenges, and remembrances of seasons past can dampen the holiday spirit for seniors. Fortunately, we can all help brighten the

  • Published On: November 20th, 2017|Categories: Older Adult Issues|

    Holidays are a wonderful time of family togetherness, filled with joyful surprises, delicious meals and treats, and a chance to strengthen family ties. However, a number of factors can interfere with a picture-perfect holiday season for seniors. Families often live at a distance from one another, and travel can be difficult due to finances, health

  • Published On: November 2nd, 2017|Categories: Home Health Care Services|

    They’ve dedicated their lives to serving our country, to keeping each of us safe, to protecting our freedom, and to placing their own needs second to those of their fellow Americans. Nearly 50% of all veterans are at least 65 years old. As they age it’s our turn to give back to them and to

  • Published On: December 20th, 2016|Categories: Benefits of Home Care|

    Ah, the holidays. Time to deck the halls, bake the cookies, put up the tree, light the menorah, and enjoy time with family and friends. But as people gather together during the holidays, many realize that the health of an older adult has declined. Whether Dad isn’t walking as well as he was, or Grandma