Effective, compassionate communication puts patients at the center of their own healthcare journey, enabling follow-through with clinical recommendations and treatment plans. However, primary care physicians and advanced practice clinicians often have little time to communicate with their patients, families, and interdisciplinary providers, which has a measurable impact on outcomes – both for patients and a
Research shows that lifelong learning is crucial to maximizing brain functionality throughout aging. In fact, certain lifestyle factors, including maintaining an environment enriched with social, mental, and physical stimulation, are now known to enhance our brain’s natural resilience, and to allow us to tap into cognitive reserve (CR) – our brain’s ability to resist damage.
As summer winds down, our in-home care professionals have the information you need to prepare for the next season: flu season. August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and it’s important for all of us to ensure we’re protected. For older adults in particular, vaccinations are crucial, as complications from the flu, pneumonia, and other diseases
The warm summer months provide wonderful opportunities for older adults to celebrate with family and friends: graduations, picnics, pool parties, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Yet it’s important to be aware of heat-related dangers that can sneak up quickly on seniors, and to know what to do to help seniors in hot weather stay
When we think of senior falls, we envision a variety of injuries that can occur – bruising, fractures, and head injuries, for instance. Yet there’s an increasingly common injury that may seem surprising: eye trauma. Injuries to the eye typically result from blunt force trauma leading to black eyes, damaged eyelids and/or tear glands. The
When providing care for an older adult, it’s easy to slip into a habit of taking over tasks. After all, it’s often easier to do things yourself and to provide the senior with the opportunity to sit back and enjoy being pampered. While our intentions are certainly in the senior’s best interest, particularly with regard